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Ruth Awaits Her Rendezvous with Boaz
רות מחכה בציפייה לפגישתה עם בועז

Mixed media, 2003

This piece came about during the time I worked with Tali at the Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies on coordinating visual sources with the text of The Book of Ruth for teaching in middle schools (2001-3). I was saturated with both images and text. Finally the heavy carpeted frame I had been struggling with, off and on for months, suddenly became "populated". A plaster bosom abandoned by a student arrived on scene. Dressed in lace, adorned with a necklace from a yard sale, she was wrapped in a bright silk shawl, carrying the wheat stalks a neighbor had left on the trash, on her way to the threshing floor and the fateful meeting.

A glass halo (half of a lamp reflector) reflects light where her head would be.

Ruth Awaits Her Rendezvous with Boaz
Ruth Awaits Her Rendezvous with Boaz - detail

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Phone Jo: 02 - 5663124