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The Golden Calf on the Altar of Breaking Tablets
עגל הזהב על מזבח לוחות נשברים

Mixed media, 2003

The calf, Taurus, from an old tin zodiac, rests on a building fragment whose embedded iron emphasize its horns; the altar with gears was extracted from an abandoned knitting machine. The second version's 'mokshim' (warning of mines) sign/altar dates from an old border trash heap. Windshield glass contributes its name because the glass is continually breaking.

The Golden Calf on the Altar of Breaking Tablets - one of two
The Golden Calf on the Altar of Breaking Tablets - one of two, detail
The Golden Calf on the Altar of Breaking Tablets - two of two, detail

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Phone Jo: 02 - 5663124