Eden with Corsets
גן עדן ממחוכים
Mixed media, with Nancy Chinn, 1990
Two heavy orthopedic back braces failed to heal the patriarchal backache and were abandoned to the hall closet. These ambitiously, with the supportive presence of Nancy Chinn, became the background of the Eden Episode.
Each front and back reflected some aspect of the Garden tale. Seduction, marriage, fertility, dryness of exile (not necessarily in that sequence). The parts were bound together by the white-washed drift wood Tree of Life/Knowledge, labeled "Baruch" (part of abrass door knocker) and supervised by the ever-present serpent, a twisty, curvy branch of kelp from Stinson Beach with a bearded onion-knob for its head. Notice the hand of God branching from the tree just above and behind Adam seduced. The serpent is wearing bracelets; the circle symbolizes time and (im)mortality.