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Dread-'tsiot', 'Tosefa' on Judges 16
ציציות-ראסטה, תוספתא על שופטים כ"ו

Mixed media, (Dreadlocks donated by Kinneret Milgrom), August 2003

Delilah felt terrible after the haircut and his capture.
Remorse and guilt.
She swept up the dreadlocks.
She laid them on her pillow as if to stroke him and smell his pelt
Guilt drove her to his religion
She bound the dreadlocks into a belt of tsitsiot
She smuggled the belt to him in jail
in a bag of clean underwear.
Once again Samson roared in his lion's mane.
"Revenge on the Philistines!"

Dread-'tsiot', 'Tosefa' on Judges 16
Dread-'tsiot', 'Tosefa' on Judges 16 - detail

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